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  1. Free Roblox Builders
  2. Make Your Own Roblox Game
  3. Roblox Studio Log In
  4. Roblox Develop Page Library
  5. Roblox Develop Page

Create a gaming logo in the style of Roblox using Placeit's Logo Maker! Fully customize any template in a few clicks, and download when you're ready to go! Roblox's mission is to bring the world together through play. We enable anyone to imagine, create, and have fun with friends as they explore millions of immersive 3D experiences, all built by a global community of developers. - Roblox is a fun game creation system that allows us to design our own games and play a wide variety of different games created by other users. The sandbox creation platform is all about choice.

And building your own shirt and pants designs for an avatar is one of many things you can do on Roblox. And through this tutorial, you're going to learn how to make clothes on Roblox and be creative with them.

How to Make Clothes on Roblox

1. Download the basic template

To make your own outfits, head to the Create tab. The feature is unlocked only if you have subscribed to Builder's Club. Then, navigate to the My Creations section. In the list of options on the left, select 'Shirts.'

The first tip to get started designing your clothes is to download the basic template directly from the interface using the blue link. This way, there will be little chance of having the wrong sizes or colors for your clothes.

2. Basic VS player-made templates

Twitter - Photo by @Rartzzz

Even if the basic template may be the easiest way to learn how to make clothes on Roblox, but it has its own downside: the basic template is fairly limited. If you want to start with something more unique than the standard template and create hoodies or other fashionable pieces, you can always browse for a ton of readily available templates in different styles on the internet.

When you've got the template downloaded, now it's time to get down to the real work. Format usb before use. The key to knowing how to make clothes on Roblox is in editing. Making clothes on Roblox is where you create your own design by manipulating the image desired with some editing program. You can change the colors in the template and do some other things with the design of your clothes.

You can use any image editing tool like Pixlr, BeFunky,, or Glimp. Once the preferred image editing program is ready, open the template and set whatever colors or text you want within the boundaries of the defined template areas for the torso, right arm, left arm, etc.

The basic template will clearly show you which rectangle will appear on which part of your avatar. So it's nothing difficult to create the design of your own clothes. You can add some stripes, shading, logos, text, and other additions that enrich the visual.

Don't forget to remove the existing text denoting the different sections of each clothing item if you go with the basic template. This is because anything within the rectangles will appear on your finished article of clothing. You sure don't want to see the words 'UP,' 'FRONT,' 'L', 'D', etc. to appear unintentionally on your clothes, do you?

3. Save Your Designs

After you've learned how to make clothes on Roblox and had some design on your hand, it's better to save it in the same file format as the original template. But choose a different save name so you don't lose the base file. This is especially true if you want to make more than one shirt—keeping the basic template unaltered will come in handy.

To do so, go back to the My Creations tab in Roblox and click 'Choose File' (below the link to the template). At the prompt, select the template you saved and choose Upload. After the clothes are uploaded, click the settings icon to the right of the file name you set for the outfit.

Select Configure and you can change the name. Set the description is also important because people will find it easier to see what the item is supposed to be.

4. Selling Clothes

Twitter - Photo by @EvilArtist_

Now, what's more to know other than about how to make clothes on Roblox and securing your creations? Well, it's about time to learn how to make money out of your creativity! Antares autotune cheap.

You heard it right, you can sell your clothing creations and get good amounts of Robux by following the steps below:

Step 1. Go to the Create section located in the blue bar at the top of the site.

Step 2. Click on either Shirts, Pants, or T-Shirts in the left column, depending on your design.

Step 3. Click the gear to the right of the item you want to sell.

Step 4. Click Configure, then select Sales.

Step 5. Portable startup utility. On the Sales page, click to turn on the 'Item for Sale'

Step 6. Enter the amount of Robux for which you want to sell your clothing.

Step 7. Click the Save button.

And that wraps up the tutorial on how to make clothes on Roblox! Happy playing!


GET /assets/{id}/versions

Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset.
idlongThe ID of the asset.
placeIdno type!The ID of the place.
pageint(Optional)The page to retrieve.

Free Roblox Builders

[{ 'Id':536133191, 'AssetId':226132918, 'VersionNumber':3, 'RawContentId':2619739106, 'ParentAssetVersionId':536132109, 'CreatorType':1, 'CreatorTargetId':80502178, 'CreatingUniverseId':null, 'Created':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00', 'Updated':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00' }]
409For PlatformException

GET /v2/assets/{id}/versions

Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset or granted by package permission. (if nextPageCursor is null, there is no more items)
idlongThe ID of the asset.
placeIdlong?The ID of the place.
cursorstring(Optional) cursor to fetch next page.
sortOrderSortOrder(Optional) Sorting order of asset version.
limitint(Optional) Size of page to fetch.
{ 'previousPageCursor': null, 'nextPageCursor': '4', 'data': [{ 'Id': 2147905864, 'AssetId': 2147765363, 'VersionNumber': 8, 'ParentAssetVersionId': 2147905863, 'CreatorType': 1, 'CreatorTargetId': 23265213, 'CreatingUniverseId': 2147757210, 'Created': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z', 'Updated': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z' }] }
400Invalid request
404Asset not found
409For PlatformException
500Internal server error
502Bad Gateway

POST /assets/award-badge

Make Your Own Roblox Game

userIdintThe ID of the user.
badgeIdlongThe ID of the badge.
placeIdlongThe ID of the place.
{userName} won {badgeCreatorName}'s '{badgeName}' award! (if successful)
0Platform exception


GET /currency/balance

Returns the Robux and Ticket balances for the currently authenticated user.
Response Error
ApplicationException: Invalid auth token


GET /users/{userId}/friends

Retrieves a paged list of friends for the specified user.
userIdlongThe ID of the user.
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
[{ 'Id':12345678, 'Username':'user', 'AvatarUri':', 'AvatarFinal':true, 'IsOnline':true }]

POST /user/accept-friend-request

requesterUserIdlongThe ID of the requester.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId
404Resource Not found: Not enabled

POST /user/decline-friend-request

requesterUserIdlongThe ID of the requester.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/request-friendship

recipientUserIdlongThe userId of the recipient.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid recipientUserId
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

GET /user/get-friendship-count

userIdlong?(Optional)The ID of the user, or the ID of the authenticated user if not provided.
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'count':10 }
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/unfriend

friendUserIdlongThe ID of the friend.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid friendUserId
404Not Found: Not enabled

GET /user/following-exists

Returns whether followerUserId is following userId
userIdlongThe user potentially being followed
followerUserIdlongThe user potentially following the other user
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'isFollowing':true }
400Bad Request:Invalid followerUserId/Invalid userId
404Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/follow

followedUserIdlongThe ID of the user to follow.
Response Error
400Invalid followerUserId
403Block exists between authenticated user and followedUserId
404Not enabled

POST /user/unfollow

followedUserIdlongThe ID of the followed user.
Response Error

Roblox Studio Log In

400Invalid followerUserId
404Not enabled


GET /users/{userId}/groups

userIdintThe ID of the user.
[{ 'Id': 696519, 'Name': 'Orinthians', 'EmblemId': 135321582, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 254, 'Role': 'Council', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }, { 'Id': 679727, 'Name': 'ROBLOX Community Staff and Forum Users', 'EmblemId': 90708870, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 245, 'Role': 'Other Staff', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }]
404User not found

GET /groups/{groupId}

groupIdintThe ID of the group.
{ 'Name':'Group name', 'Id':1234567, 'Owner': { 'Name':'owner', 'Id':12345678 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Panem Citizens','Rank':1}] }
404Group not found
503Get group info not enabled

GET /groups/{groupId}/allies

Roblox Develop Page Library

groupIdintThe ID of the group
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }

GET /groups/{groupId}/enemies

groupIdintThe ID of the group
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }


GET /incoming-items/counts

{'unreadMessageCount': 1, 'friendRequestsCount': 2}


GET /marketplace/productinfo

assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.

Roblox Develop Page

{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'User Product', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }

GET /marketplace/game-pass-product-info

Returns the product info for the specified game pass.
gamePassIdlongThe ID of the asset.
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'Game Pass', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }


GET /ownership/hasasset

userIdintThe ID of the user.
assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.


GET /reference/deviceinfo

{ 'PlatformType': 'platform name', 'DeviceType': 'device type', 'OperatingSystemType': 'OS type' }


POST /userblock/block

Block a user; prevent communication between the current user and the user specified.
userIdlongUserId of the user to be blocked
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid user id

POST /userblock/unblock

Unblock a user; allow communication between the current user and the user specified.
userIdlongUserId of the user to be unblocked
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid user id


GET /users/{userId}

Retrieves user information for the specified user ID.
userIdintThe ID of the user.

GET /users/get-by-username

Retrieves user information for the specified username.
usernamestringThe name of the user.
Response Error
Invalid username
User not found

GET /users/{userId}/canmanage/{assetId}

Returns whether the user can manage a given asset.
userIdintThe ID of the user.
assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.
Response Error
Not enabled
Unknown user or asset

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